SEO Breakdown: How MyDukaan Grew to 282,000+ Monthly Organic Traffic in 1 Year

Hey guys! Recently posted an SEO breakdown of Dukaan (Indian SaaS that helps take businesses online) on /r/seogrowth, and thought you guys would like it too.

Long-story short, Dukaan managed to grow website website traffic to 282,000 monthly organic traffic in less than a single year.

In this post, I analyze exactly what they did to manage to get such results.

Read the original post over at /r/seogrowth! Had to remove links for this one because of sub filters, so if you want to see examples, check out the original.

So, let's dive right in!

Dukaan - What You Need to Know

Dukaan is an Indian startup that's creating a software solution that helps businesses go online without any technical knowledge.

Kinda like Shopify but with one fundamental difference - they're not focused as much on e-commerce. Rather, it's a more practical way to take any kind of business online.

E.g. let's say you're an electronics store based in Delhi. You can use Dukaan to create your online store and start offering delivery services in your region. Unlike apps like Wolt, though, you need to handle your own delivery.

In addition, you can also use the software to create a page for your service business and start selling your services online just like you'd sell packaged products. E.g. if you're an English tutor, you could create packages like "English 101, Introduction to Business English," and so on. No need to bother with creating your website at all!

The company is currently killing at SEO in India, driving over 282,000 monthly organic traffic and ranking for over 183k+ keywords.

So, what did Dukaan do to achieve such success with SEO? Here's the breakdown:

Dukaan SEO Breakdown

#1. Ranking With Product Pages

Unlike Shopify, when you host your business on Dukaan, it's hosted on their own domain with the website's own format.

This makes it significantly easier to rank for product keywords (e.g. mansion house brandy, grill design, etc.) than if you had your own domain. You get to take advantage of Dukaan's DA 30 (which is bound to grow big-time) and won't have to bother as much with link-building or on-page SEO yourself.

Now, if you're an SEO pro, this is a disadvantage. You'd be doing WAY better if you handled your own SEO.

For the average business owner, though, this can be very helpful/

#2. Quality, Targeted Blog Content

In addition to product pages, Dukaan also ranks with their blog content. They create extremely high-quality content that is targeted towards keywords that their target audience would search for.

Some keywords they're targeting include:

  • How to start an online tutor business
  • How to start an online reselling business
  • Food business ideas

And so on. Anyone that Googles any of these keywords is a potential user for Dukaan, as they're either trying to start a business, or already have one.

Now, let's break down one of their articles to see what they're doing right. Let's take this piece about starting an online tutor business (example on original post), for example.

It follows all on-page SEO best practices:

  • Keyword mentioned in the header and in the introduction
  • Keyword mentioned as an H2
  • Variations of the keyword mentioned throughout the article

Then, the article is also structured very well. First, the article solves the Googler's problem by talking about how to start an online tuition business:

  1. What tools to use to start an online tuition biz
  2. How to create tuition packages

And once it answers the core question (how to start an online tuition business), it upsells the product in a natural and organic way ("here's how you can create your online tuition business website").

Finally, the article follows all content writing best practices:

  1. The paragraphs are short and easy to skim.
  2. The headers are done right.
  3. The article is interlinked with the rest of the content on the blog with the right anchor text.
  4. The introduction is brief and on-point. It follows the problem=>agitate=>solution formula

#3. Creating Useful Online Tools

Dukaan also created online tools that are useful for their target audience and optimized them for SEO.

For example:

  • Slogan generator (example link on original post)
  • Invoice generator (example link on original post)

Both of which are ranking somewhere around 2nd page of Google.

That said, I really think both of these pages can be fleshed out a lot more.

Sure, the main search intent is to use the tool up top, but you want to try to maximize on-page stay time by adding a bunch of other elements throughout the page.

Think, more SEO copy, maybe a video, etc. Most people won't even look at these, but those who do will boost your website stay time metrics.

That said, creating online tools for SEO isn't anything new. Shopify also has a slogan generator, and most accounting software companies have an invoice generator.

#4. Insane Content Velocity

Dukaan is publishing a ton of content on a daily basis. In July alone, they were publishing an article (or three) every other day.

If you want to get good SEO results, a lot of content is essential. Google keeps your websites authoritativeness in mind.

If you have a single accounting article on your blog, and your competitor has 100, you can't expect to rank.

So, especially if you're just getting started with SEO, you should focus on pumping out a ton of content on a regular basis.

#5. Link-Building Done Right

While it's impossible to say for sure what a company does for link-building, you can get a very close estimate by running their website through SEMrush backlink analytics...

Which is exactly what we did!

Here's several ways the team at Dukaan has been building backlinks to their content:

  1. Guest posting at scale. A ton of the websites linking to Dukaan also happened to be accepting guest posts. That said, can't know for sure if these are guest posts or organic link insertions.
  2. Some websites were organically linking to the free tools on Dukaan's website. E.g. this website linked to the free slogan generator tool, and this one links to the invoice tool (example links on original post).
  3. There were most likely several link insertions via outreach, too. This page here (example link on original post), for example, organically mentions "online payment processing" which links to a blog post on Dukaan's website. I'd wager the SEO team at Dukaan were looking for pages that mention "online payment processing" and reaching out via email asking for a link placement.
  4. As a VC-funded startup, Dukaan also benefits from a ton of free press (which leads to both backlinks and traffic). They're featured all over the place.

Potential improvement ideas

...There's honestly not much to say here - Dukaan's SEO team really knows what they're doing. Everything on the website, including:

  • Technical SEO
  • On-page SEO
  • Backlink profile
  • Content quality

Is on-point.

That said, I did pin-point some potential improvements:

  • The website load speed on mobile is pretty low, so that could be improved.
  • A lot of images on the website are not losslessly compressed, which might be slowing the website down.
  • Lazy loading could also seriously improve website load speed by deferring off-screen images.
  • There are only 2 articles in Hindi, which I think is a missed opportunity big-time since that's where the co. is currently focused on. SEO in languages other than English tends to way, way easier to pull off.

Back to you!

Did you like this post? Let me know down in the comments if SEO breakdowns is something I should do on a regular basis.

Know a popular company that's killing it with SEO? Gimme a name and I'll do a breakdown for them next week.

submitted by /u/DrJigsaw
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