How bad is indexing search results on Google?

So long story short I've been living a frustrating few months.

My SEO spiked to 7k - 15k daily impressions which was great and that lasted for a month, then it started declining... it's now reached a daily of 500 - 800 impressions max and of course a decline in clicks.

I've audited our website in many tools, did so much investigations and optimized everything. I still can't find why we're facing this decline.

Now I'm starting to think it's because of the way our 404 pages work? If you reach a 404 page it will automatically redirect to a search result. For example, you landed on zayoom-dot-com/packs and let's say that's a 404 page - it will automatically land you to a search result for "packs" in hopes that you'd find it there.

Question is: I know Google doesn't like indexing links that take people to search results but can it be the reason I've had this massive decline in traffic?

Any help is SuUupPeR appreciated!!1

submitted by /u/obeya
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