Another Day, Another SEO Win! Just Landed My Next Client!

So normally when I post about landing a client it's through the traditional form of sales and client acquisition; however, I'll be honest my SEO understanding is great but my sales skills are subpar. It's for that exact reason that I decided to try something new this time and that was to build and optimize a website of my own in order to get it to rank on the first page of Google, and then once that happened I would approach small businesses to rent them the website. It took a little time but the site is finally ranking on the first page of Google and I found someone who was willing to rent it out every month. I'm super excited this actually worked and a huge bonus was it really allowed me to showcase my skills prior to meeting the client as it showed I could rank a website on the first page of Google. I'll keep you guys updated but thank you for the few people who told me about this and walked me through it here on Reddit.

submitted by /u/jgillman824
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