SEO image file name: product name is unique and doesn't convey product type

Let's say I have an e-commerce site for a new small business that makes a new kind of building block, original & unique in its own way. There are 100+ sku's and the product image file names currently follow this naming scheme:


  1. Would it be better to include the commonly known product type (e.g., building block) so that the new file name schema is:


2) How important is having the unknown brand name in each product image file name? Because of the unique nature of the product, it has the potential to be the new standard for this new niche.


3) If I wanted to limit the number of words to 6 and I had to choose between brand name and common product category name (i.e., building block in this case), which is most important? Or do I simply add the brand name & commonly known product type to the alt-text for each image?

submitted by /u/gmadna
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