Help with how to optimize SEO

Hello Reddit,

As someone who is new to SEO, I'm finding it difficult to determine the best direction to take. The vast number of options available has left me feeling stuck and unsure about how and where to start optimizing. My confusion has left me feeling lost.

I understand that having a blog is beneficial for SEO, particularly for increasing the number of keywords Google indexes in my content. However, creating and maintaining a blog requires a lot of time and effort, and since I am not being paid professionally for my SEO efforts, it feels like too much of an investment for me.

My main question is whether blogging is essential for ranking higher in search results. If not, what are some strategies for obtaining more quality content?

I am aware that building backlinks from reputable resources is a common practice, but I'm not sure how to go about this without having quality content.

In this instance, I'm helping out with a stone fabrication website. Any ideas/feedback are welcome.

submitted by /u/EthicalArtisan
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