Any idea if these dates are related to Google updates / penalties in 2019/2020? Quality site trashed overnight.

I have a site that used to be #1 for quite a few keywords. The content was written by me and IMHO excellent quality.

Back in 2019 I was getting 4k visitors a day - then overnight, April 2nd 2019 traffic went off a cliff to around 1.5k No reason whatsoever - rebuilt site, removed ads and everything. Checked if it was related to specific KW, but was across the board.

Weirdly the site returned to normal for 2 weeks in June 2019 and then back off the cliff.

The site also tanked again at the beginning of December 2020 with traffic halving again. Currently on 500 visitors a day.

I just wonder if the dates are significant. I couldn't find anything obvious.

Another thing I am now wondering about is disavowing links. I have never done active link building so can't account for what is there. However, there are over 100 links from Reddit and thousands from Quora, so you can tell this was an authoritative source.

At the end of the day I didn't make masses of money out of this but I would just like to get to the bottom of why it was trashed.

submitted by /u/gwenver
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