How to do content SEO? We found a good content writer.

Hi all

I have an eCommerce site that sells house plants.

We recently hired a great content writer ($$$) and she completed the first article. It's 1700 words long and contains a high frequency of 3 of our target keywords.

I'm a bit confused on what to do next. The overall goal is to rank my site (eCommerce).

Here is what I plan to do with the first article. Is this the correct way? Can you tell me which is useless or useful?

1) Publish it to our blog after inserting interlinks and photos to our products.

2) Make sure Title/Meta/Url are optimized.

3) Put a nice graphic "Read this article" on our home page so our existing users go read the article. To create a higher time on site?

4) Share it on social media so people come to the site to read it.

We're planning to have 5-10 articles like this published in our blog. We select topics based on FAQs from our customers or Buzzsumo.

submitted by /u/hohonana
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