Moving content from Wordpress to Webflow - Any advice?

I have a Wordpress blog under domain name X that is generating high value traffic but not a ton of volume.

I need to move the content of the wordpress blog X to a new domain we'll call Y which I use webflow for.

Is this the basic process to follow?

  • Create a full backup of WordPress site
  • Use the Duplicator WordPress plugin to move WordPress content
  • Upload WordPress content to the new domain
  • Setup 301 Redirects
  • Notify Google

Are there any tips or plugins or tools that I can use to import my content to webflow without destroying my tables, layout, formatting, etc.?

I feel like this is a terrible idea and I'm going to regret. Any advice is appreciated if you've done something like this before. Thanks!

submitted by /u/startupsalesguy
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