Does anyone actually buy pre-written content? (As opposed to commissioning it and having it written.) [manually x-posted from /r/bigseo]

I'm an SEO specialist and longtime copywriter. Since I'm between jobs right now, I've been doing some freelance work here and there.

Recently, I completed an unpaid sample piece for a gig. Usually that's a no-go for me. I consider it in poor form to request unpaid work like that.

But money's tight, it was a decent gig, and at 500 words, it didn't take too long to put together. The title is "The 2 Best Productivity Apps You're Not Using (Yet)."

I'm sure someone out there has a niche site where it would fit, and it could easily be monetized with affiliate links, I'm sure.

I've been assured that the content will not be published. I'd like to get something for it. I've been considering trying to resell it off to someone, maybe beef it up a little first so the word count is a bit higher.

Normally I'd go with three items as a minimum for an article in that style, but it was unpaid and running a bit long, so I stuck with two.

I'd probably add at least one more, and try and get the word count up a bit.

So my question is this: does anyone ever actually buy content that's pre-written like that?

If so, do you use Constant Content or a similar platform? I'm thinking of putting it up for sale there, but I'm also considering posting an offer at /r/HireAWriter and /r/forhire.

Is this idea even viable, or should I cut my losses rather than wasting my time trying to sell it off?

EDIT: Just to be clear, this isn't a sales pitch and I am not trying to find a buyer via this post. I'm just wondering if it's even possible to sell a pre-written article like that.

submitted by /u/KoreKhthonia
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